Leaf Casting
The restoration of
Pep Comics #22 cover dated December 1941
the key Golden Age comics, Pep Comics #22 is a
relatively hidden gem as it contains the first
appearances of Archie Andrews, Betty Cooper and
Jughead Jones. To describe this book as RARE is
putting it mildly. The CGC census shows, as of
this writing, that they have graded 63 Copies of
Action 1 (the first Superman), 65 Detective 27's
(the first Batman), 127 copies of All-Star
Comics 8 (the first Wonder Woman) and only 22
copies of Pep 22. As well, it is fairly accepted
in the hobby that the CGC census is flawed as it
doesn't account for resubmissions of previously
graded books, and so there are fewer than 22
copies of Pep 22 in existence. My own research
and extensive list of contacts in the hobby
suggests that there are less than 15 copies and
probably closer to 10 copies in existence.
This particular copy
arrived in our studio as a CGC 3.0 restored
(moderate, amateur). The task assigned to us by
our client was to make this book as nice as
possible. Having held and worked on roughly 1/3rd
of the copies in existence of this book, we had
the necessary experience and expertise to accept
the challenge.
To begin, extensive
photographs were taken of the book and its
interior pages. Previous restoration to the book
included extensive color-touch to the cover,
infills at the corners of the cover, reinforcement
and infills to the interior pages, recreation of
missing text areas and tape on the centerfold.
The interiors pages,
while labelled "cream to off-white" were
borderline brittle, especially along the spine and
edges. In addition to the restoration found, there
were several defects on the book that negatively
affected the overall condition - including heavy
creasing on the front and back cover, water stains
and foxing and severe staining to the interiors.

Restoration began
with the removal of the staples and separation of
the cover and interiors. In order to determine the
amount of original material still on the cover,
the cover was immersed in a solvent bath - any
areas that are not original will have a different
density :

The previous
restoration was removed from the covers and
interiors and assessed as to the best approach for
repair. It quickly became apparent that
leaf-casting was the best option, due in large
part to the amount of material that was needed and
its location:
After some
basic consolidation and tape stain removal the
cover was ready for treatment. After
casting, the cover has new paper/pulp in place of
the areas of loss and is ready for inpainting and
image recreation.
After restoration, the book could now be opened and enjoyed:

Once completed,
the book was submitted to CBCS for grading:
The restoration of New Fun comics
#2 cover dated March 1935
Described in Comic Book Marketplace #11 (March
1992) as:
“the second DC comic published...it is
thought to be the rarest, certainly it has the
tradition of being the hardest to find”
this copy of New Fun Comics #2 (Gerber rating of
9) was sent to my studio for restoration
work. Measuring 10 inches by 15, oversized
items such as this create unique challenges
especially when they are as extremely fragile as
this sample was. Its folios were so brittle
that traditional fold tests were useless, as the
edges broke and chipped at the slightest
touch. How it even reached me without being
in a million pieces, I’ll never know!
After evaluating the book, measuring its size and
photographing its condition, a treatment report
was generated and presented to the owner.
Initially, I recommended bleaching the book in
order to restore suppleness (not necessarily
improve color) as this would prepare the cover and
interior folios for reinforcement during the
latter stages of restoration.
The owner, however, did not wish to bleach this
book (for fear of altering the interior papers too
much) and since reinforcement using heat-set
tissues alone (a typical conservation approach)
would only result in unnatural stiffening at the
spine and edges and ultimately cause further
structural problems at the repaired areas, it was
decided to leaf-cast the book – thus addressing
the problems of embrittlement, reinforcement and
infilling at the same time. 
Leaf-casting is a conservation process developed
by conservators in Eastern Europe and the U.S.S.R
during the mid-1960’s. In brief, it attempts
to reintegrate paper pulp into the lost areas of
documents through gravity and/or suction.
The entire document is submersed in a tank of
water and pulp is introduced, forming a pulp
slurry. The slurry is then drawn down
through the areas of loss in the document, forming
a sympathetic repair of similar color and
thickness to the original.
The restoration of this book began by separating
the folios through removal of the staples.
While most of the folios were completely split,
there were a few interior folios that were still
joined at the spine and so removal of the staples
was necessary to allow access to all of the
interior folios. However, even the
“complete” folios were extremely fragile and were
thus set-aside for leaf-casting.

Once separated, the folios were prepped for
treatment by arranging the matching folio pairs
(folio 1, last folio; folio 2, 2nd last folio,
etc). Once that was completed, a sympathetic
paper was created for the casting and ground into
paper pulp (pictured on left) for use in a
custom-built leaf-caster. Due to the large
format of this book, I needed to alter my
leaf-caster to accommodate the larger folio size
as well as retool my studio space to facilitate
the drying of the folios after
Folios were placed on the leaf-casting screen and
the machine was filled with water. The
ground pulp was then introduced to form a
slurry. Then the suction was turned on and
within moments areas that were once missing,
formed. After removal from the leaf-caster,
the newly repaired folio was dried under pressure
and the excess margins trimmed away (using the
original edges as a guide). The folios were
then refolded at the center.

The cover needed particular attention, being
completely split in two but also consisting of a
whiter, thicker and glossier paper stock than
found on the interiors.

Again, a sympathetic paper was created for the
casting process and after casting, the excess
margins were trimmed away and the cover refolded
around the interiors.

The leaf-casting on the cover was then inpainted
to match the original and the entire book was
pressed before the staples were reintroduced to
the interiors.

The final condition of the book is estimated to
be in the fine/fine+ range and is now fully
restored to a supple, readable condition leaving
no hint of the original brittle and unreadable
book that was sent to me for repair.

While not every book is suitable for
leaf-casting, when the treatment can be done it
can save even the most damaged of books – books
previously thought unrestorable when “traditional”
restoration methods such as heat-set tissue and
grafts were the only options.
I have been leaf-casting paper for over 20 years
and specifically comics for the last decade or so
and this copy of New Comics #2 was perhaps one of
the most fragile paper examples I have worked
on. It was an extensive and challenging
project and despite compromises over bleaching,
both the owner and I, are very pleased with the
final result.
Tracey Heft
Eclipse Paper Conservation
toll-free: 888-836-2821